Dr. Vanessa Herder, PhD
FAQ about the book
What role does animal pathology play in our everyday lives?
Is your pet a special family member?
The experiences in this book are curious, interesting, funny, and thought-provoking, and range from veterinary school to coronavirus research.
For who is the book of interest?
Everyone, who likes animals, has pets and is interested in the relationship between animals and humans.
Do I have to be a scientiest to understand the book?
No. The language of the book is directed to everyone.

What can I expect to read in the book?
It is a kind of "James Harriot" from a veterinary pathologist. Real experiences from working as vet in diagnostic and research.
The book is about pathology, what does it mean?
Pathology for me means to understand life and studying how fascinating the mammalian body is.
About Vanessa.
Vanessa's field of expertise is the mammalian anti-viral immune response.
With her research she focusses on the role of the innate and adaptive immune response during virus infections. She is dedicated to understand what drives some hosts during virus infection severyl ill and some not.
Find her publications here:
She is also an author of a book sharing her experience working as a veterinary pathologist.
Veterinary Experimental Pathologist
She has more than 15 years of experience in designing pathology-focussed experiments during my work in academia for my own research and also in national and international collaborations for others.
Veterinary Diagnostic Pathologist
The health of your companion animal depends on the correct histopathological diagnosis. She worked as a diagnostic pathologist in academia during her residency in pathology and also as a board-certified pathologist (Dipl. ECVP) since 2015.
Her focus has always been equine pathology; dogs, cats and wildlife. She also worked on forensic cases and has a special passion for difficult and complex cases.

Think Pathology
Dedicated to understand disease pathogenesis.
You need consultancy in veterinary pathology
Interviews & Podcasts
Vanessa's work in Interviews and Podcasts.
She's a Belter!
Vanessa lives in Glasgow, Scotland and loves the city and its diversity - you canny beat it.
The most valuable lesson Glasgow taught me is:
[doing something with all your energy and passion]
Glasgow, you're gorgeous. Thank you.